AppSumo review: buying lifetime deals (are they too good to be true)?

What is AppSumo?

AppSumo is an online platform that offers lifetime deals on software, services and digital products. Founded by entrepreneur Noah Kagan in 2010, the marketplace provides members with access to exclusive discounts and deals on the newest and most popular tools on offer, such as SaaS software. The deals are usually discounted up to ~90% off their regular prices and there are usually several new software and services deals each week.

With AppSumo offers, users can get lifetime access to a product or service for a one-time fee. By buying a lifetime AppSumo deal, you will never have to worry about renewing your subscription or paying recurring fees. Additionally, you will usually get free updates and access to all future features of the product/service for life.

Whether you’re looking for tools to help your business grow or just want to save money on software, AppSumo is an excellent choice for finding great new deals on tools for marketing, SEO, ecommerce, design, copywriting, audiovisual, IT, web, productivity, automation and more. It’s offers invaluable deals for entrepreneurs, startups and small business owners to access software that might otherwise be too expensive.

User reviews on AppSumo

Before you buy a lifetime deal, it’s worth taking a look at the customer reviews. Many of these reviews contain detailed information about how well the software works for various types of businesses and individuals, as well as any areas in which the product could be improved. Additionally, reviews often come with ratings and comments from other users, so you can see if a particular app has been positively or negatively received by its users. Watch out for deals that have lots of negative reviews; if there are a few people that have similar issues it may be a red flag. You should also take note on how long a reviewer has been an AppSumo member and how many deals they have purchased to help guage the validity of their viewpoint. Overall, user reviews on AppSumo are a good way to make sure you’re getting the best deal when purchasing software. It’s also worth having a look on sites such as TrustPilot, G2 and other review sites to get a better feel for the software. Ultimately, the only way to see if the software meets your needs is to try it out yourself.

AppSumo Plus discount

AppSumo Plus is a great way to save even more money on some of the newest software applications. The subscription gives you 10% off select software and other digital products, making it easier and more affordable than ever to stay ahead of your competition. Not only do you get lower prices for quality software, but you also gain access to exclusive deals. You will often find that members get longer to purchase certain products, so you’re less likely to miss the boat on a particular piece of software for your business.

At the time of writing, the subscription is $99 per year. If you’re going to purchase quite a few software products during that time, it might make sense. You’ll need to calculate how much you’ll actually save compared to buying each product separately and decide if it’s worth it for you.

In addition to discounts there are also quite a few other benefits such as The Sauce, which is a private community of entrepreneurs to talk about everything business. This is a great way to connect with others and share tips and advice or ask questions. There are also a number of software tools to help you scale your business which are available free as long as you remain a member, such as KingSumo, plus Tier 1 access to SendFox, EmailBadge, ShortySMS and SleekBio.

Tips for buying lifetime deals on AppSumo

When it comes to buying AppSumo lifetime software deals, there are a few tips to keep in mind.

  1. Always read the reviews before you make a purchase. As we mentioned above, this will give you a better idea of what people are saying about the software. However, balance this with checking out the company behind the software. Do they answer all the questions on AppSumo promptly and courteously? You can tell a lot about a company by the way it treats its customers.
  2. Make sure to read the terms and conditions of any lifetime deal you’re considering. This will let you know what is included in the package and what is not. Are there any restrictions that apply? Will new features be included? If so at what level e.g. is it just reflective of a basic tier package or one of their higher tier packages? Compare prices against similar products or services offered elsewhere to ensure you’re getting value for money.
  3. Consider what other products or services may be included in the deal. Some include additional features that can be beneficial to your business. This could include trainings and webinars, or direct access to the founders to ask any questions you might have about the product or their own business learnings – particularly if the software is solving a problem that they’ve been through themselves.
  4. Take advantage of discounts if they are available. Many times AppSumo will promote special offers on certain packages so make sure to check those out too. Keep an eye out in their newsletter for discount codes which they have done in the past every once in a while.
  5. Check out the product roadmap for the software you have in mind. You want to be confident that the developers have a clear strategy for the product. This will give you a good indication of what’s in store for the future and how it will continue to benefit your business. This will help you weigh up the potential longer terms benefits it will bring.
  6. If you make a purchase, start using the software straight away and put it through its paces. With most software you get 60 days/2 months to try it out but it’s worth checking to make sure you don’t miss the refund window otherwise you won’t get your money back. Always find out what the refund policy is before you purchase to reduce the risk of buying.
  7. Test it out. If you really don’t want to commit just yet, see whether there’s a trial of the software before purchasing through AppSumo. This will give you a chance to determine if it meets your needs and expectations, and if it’s worth investing in long-term. Just a word of warning – use a different email address to the one you’ll use when you finally buy the software. Many offers are for first time customers that have never been signed up with the software or digital product provider before.

Even with the best due diligence, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. However, if you carefully run through the checklist above, you’ll be in a better position to pick the software that has the best chances of longevity. You might only need a few good deals which pay for themselves many times over. This makes it more likely to be worth the risk that comes with purchasing sofware newcomers on the AppSumo marketplace. Having said that, the costs are often really low for a tier one or single code that it’s worth checking out.

One final point to note about lifetime bargains is that they can lead to a fear of missing out (FOMO). It’s important to weigh up whether the software tool will add real value to your business and make sure that it fits with your budget. Consider how much time and effort it will save you in the long run – will it allow you to complete tasks faster or do new things? Researching different options and working out what features are important can help ensure that you make the best choice possible.

Best lifetime deals bought from AppSumo

Once you get started, it can be easy to end up with a software deal addiction! We should know – we’ve purchased a lot of deals! However, AppSumo is a legitimate contender when looking for new software, plugins and services as it offers a goldmine of invaluable deals. A curated list of the best tools are updated every week which is worth a look. Some of the past software includes: Browse AI, Typedesk, DMARCReport, HelloScribe, NEURONwriter, Bramework, SiteGuru, Screppy, Seodity, Vbout, Acumbamail, Cogniflow and more.

AppSumo alternatives

Of course, AppSumo isn’t the only site to sell lifetime deals and other offers on software. We will be writing another article on this topic in due course, so watch this space.