5 Must-Read Books for Marketers

This is a list of some of the best business books that we’ve read. They’ve helped us in our own business – we hope they help you in yours. So, let’s dive right in…

1. The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It – Michael E. Gerber

Technician. Manager. Entrepreneur. Which one are you? Not everyone who goes into a business is an entrepreneur. Many are technicians, happy to work in their business rather than on their business.

But it takes much more than this to run a successful company, something that Michael E. Gerber talks about in this incredibly valuable book; one that every business person should read. And then read again.

Michael has many years’ experience in business, providing great insight to help you sharpen your skills and take your business to the next level. There are many issues that a business will encounter as it grows – which is why it’s essential to work on your business rather than creating a job for yourself. This is an enlightening read and one you’ll keep coming back to in the future.

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2. Work The System: The Simple Mechanics Of Making More And Working Less – Sam Carpenter

One of the best books of all time. Its message is simple and practical: if you want to move away from constant firefighting and turmoil within your business you need to have a systems mindset. This means breaking down your business processes into their component parts and making the necessary tweaks to either eliminate or improve them, creating standard operating procedures for each task that needs to be completed.

Sam takes you through his own story, highlighting the dramatic changes he experienced – in every aspect of his life. The single parent of two children went from a 100-hour work week to completely turning around his circumstances, working a fraction of that time and becoming more profitable in the process.

Whether you’re a seasoned business owner or starting out for the first time, take a read of this book and apply the principles. You’ll be less stressed, more organised and feel more in control of your day.

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3. Algorithms To Live By: The Computer Science Of Human Decisions – Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths

Ever had those times where you’ve needed to make a decision, yet found yourself second-guessing your choice? This book applies computer algorithms to day-to-day problems such as hiring an employee, organising emails or finding a parking space as well as other business and life issues.

Algorithms To Live By explains the road to making better choices to help you solve problems, connect with others and deal with those overwhelming decisions that sometimes need to be made. It also helps you distinguish those times when it’s best to leave things to chance.

It’s a detailed read but one worth persevering to gain some valuable insights and strategies that can be applied to your own business and life.

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4. Double Your Business – Lee Duncan

Double Your Business is an easy-to-read book that’s packed with useful (and actionable) advice. It provides 22 blueprints, broken down into seven business areas: success habits, understanding accounts, building a team including a one-page growth plan, creating a double-your-business marketing plan, designing a high performing sales machine, implementing business systems and servicing outstanding customer service.

This is specifically aimed at small businesses, with sections that are easy to dip into and then implement in manageable steps. As you excel, the book acts as your guide to move you to the next level.

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5. Deep Work: Rules For Focused Success In A Distracted World – Cal Newport

The most valuable asset you have is your time. Yet, how many people get pulled from task to task and reach the end of the day not having accomplished what they wanted?

Deep Work is the guide for how to overcome this so you can place greater importance on the projects that will move the needle in your business. These are often the mentally challenging projects that require focused attention without the distraction of emails, social media impromptu phone call or anything else that takes you off track.

It may mean the need to rethink the way you currently work and take actions that feel uncomfortable at first. However, it will ultimately create the space you need to do what’s right for you and your business.

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